Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Make a Choice

It was a really good weekend.  I had a good workout.  My mother came and hung out with BGR on Saturday morning.  Church service was phenomenal. Then on Sunday I started to get that feeling that I always get on Sunday because I’m thinking about Monday.  I’m thinking I don’t want to go to the office tomorrow.  No more corporate BS!  No more fluorescent lights!  No more paper pushing!  Ugh!  It’s gotten worse since I received my trainer’s certification.  I just want to speed up the clock and get to training already.  Fitness is my passion not whatever it is I’m doing now and have been doing for 30+ years.
I caught myself thinking “if only I could train full-time now …” then I stopped that thought dead in its tracks.  Because seriously, what’s the rest of that sentence?  What?  If I could train full-time now, I’d be happy?  If I could train full-time now I wouldn’t dread Mondays?  If I could train full-time now all my problems would magically go away?  I cannot and will not get caught up in that kind of thinking.  My present circumstances do not determine my level of happiness.  My happiness is not determined by any outside source.  My level of happiness or actually my joy is a choice that I have to make every day regardless of what else is going on around me. 

I know that when I do begin training full-time I may still hate Mondays.  I will probably have some very challenging clients that I wish would just go away.  I’ll have the headache of being a business owner (except I won’t view it as a headache!).  My point is, a change in my employment situation is not going to change my disposition.  I’ve done enough job-hopping to know that for a fact.  Because I changed my disposition years ago, I am able to see that I could make a change in my employment situation.  See what I did there?
The only thing that is going to change when my circumstances change is my circumstances.   I can recall many times when I thought that once I had some money in the bank all my problems would go away.  Not so.  Or if I ended a bad relationship I would never feel sadness again.  Not so.  Unless we make a purposeful decision to be happy, we never will be.  You can be the same miserable mess whether you’re living in a mansion or in a shack by the tracks.  It doesn’t matter.  Don’t rely so much on your circumstances or the people around you for your happiness.  Look within and make a decision to be happy.


unityfalls said...

I definitely needed this today. Thank you.

laura said...

Wow!! That was great!! Thanks for the reminder that I have to choose to be happy regardless of the circumstances.

LadyLee said...

"My present circumstances do not determine my level of happiness. My happiness is not determined by any outside source. My level of happiness or actually my joy is a choice that I have to make every day regardless of what else is going on around me."

Yeah. That is right on time. I'm snatching that one and putting it up on the mirror.

Everyday I tell myself "I am going to enjoy my life."


Good post.