Friday, October 7, 2016

4 Days Later

It’s 4 days after the date and after some idle chit chat:

HimSo, you’ve had some time to analyze and process … what is your assessment?  How do you think it went?  Where do you think we go from here?

Good question.  After many weeks of conversations, he knew me well enough to know that I would take time to analyze.  And I did. 

Bottom line:  My instincts were telling me that we did not want the same things.  I’ll leave the details in my personal journal.  I will say that it is very important for me to pay attention and trust my instincts.  Historically, not trusting my instincts led me to marry a bigamist and not trusting my instincts led me to stay in a relationship for 6+ years when it should have ended after the first date.  Suffice it to say, I need to trust my instincts.

However, this was a breakthrough of sorts and I have nothing but positive feelings about the entire situation.  Here’s why:

     ·        I recognized the red flags and responded accordingly
     ·        I was an adult and had the uncomfortable conversation – for the first time in my life
     ·        I was honest and respected him enough to tell him the truth instead of going ghost
     ·        I trusted God during every single step of the process
     ·        I’m ready to date again in a positive way and I’m confident that I will find what I’m looking for

This was a learning experience.  I met a nice man, had a good date and maybe I’ve added a friend to my circle.  What’s wrong with that?


Unknown said...

Good for you. Good lessons learned! I hope you had fun. Hope you will continue to allow yourself to have fun as you continue to create boundaries that serves you in being your authentic self

Audra Upchurch said...

I can't help but smile reading this blog. You definitely put your "Grown Woman" on by accepting what was in front of you and trusting your instincts. Bravo to you and I wish you peace and blessings on this journey.