Sunday, February 26, 2017

Transition, Change, New Beginnings … Whatever You Want to Call It

Starting Monday I will put down my gym bag and pick up my handbag.  I’ll trade in my tennis shoes for pumps.  My part-time work week will be replaced by a 60+ hour work week.  Days will begin at 5:00 am and usually end after 8:00 pm.


This final week has been interesting.  People have thanked me and expressed that they will miss me.  One woman said I changed her life.  No, that kind of feedback doesn’t put food on the table but it certainly feeds the soul.  I’m going to miss my clients and the people who take my classes and I take comfort in the fact that I can still work in fitness on a part-time basis and still get that money.  I can do what I love without the stress of trying to get the bills paid.  If I’ve learned one thing over the past 2 years it’s patience.  Time is going to pass anyway I may as well make myself as comfortable as possible while I’m waiting. 

This transition will not only be from the weight room to the board room but it will also be a lifestyle transition.  I have to figure out how to incorporate my own healthy habits into my new schedule.  Something I’ve been coaching my clients to do for the past two years.  Are there enough hours in the day?  Of course, there are.  I just have to find them.

That’s the plan for March:  establish the new routine which will incorporate 3 jobs, 1 consulting gig, fitness clients, gym time, worship time, boyfriend time, family time, ME time.

Again, whew.