Monday, December 4, 2017

Tis the Season (aka - The Introvert's Nightmare)

I’m getting on a plane soon.  I’m traveling with all my co-workers up to our Corporate Headquarters for company-wide training followed by the annual holiday party.  What does this mean for me?

  • Time with my family in my hometown
  • A nice stay in a beautiful hotel
  • A possible visit to the church I grew up in

  • Pretending that I like socializing with my co-workers
  • 5 days of forced smiles and small talk
  • Time away from my kitty
  • Time away from my man
I have mixed emotions about this trip as you can see.  It’s nice to be able to visit home on the company’s dime.  Well, almost on their dime.  See, they arranged for us to share rental vehicles but I am not about that life so I have arranged to rent my own car so I can come and go freely.  Also, it is not certain that we will be receiving per diem … I just checked the hotel website and unlike other hotels this one does not provide free breakfast.  The company is paying for our lunches and dinner is on our own – except for the Christmas party.  So that’s 4 breakfasts and 3 dinners -- meals that I would not have to pay for if I weren't traveling.  We've been told to keep our receipts so maybe, just maybe we'll be reimbursed.  Who does that?

Ever since I started working in the Corporate world I usually skip these types of functions.   However, since I’m fairly new I can’t appear to be anti-social (yet) and I got the impression that it wasn’t optional.  I don’t know.

I’m going to stay positive.  There is nothing wrong with a change of scenery every now and then and who knows, I may even get a Christmas bonus -- and that just might make it all worth while or it'll pay for the 4 breakfasts and 3 dinners.


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