Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Day 221

 221 Days (7 months 6 days)

I use an app on my phone to keep track of the days of alcohol freedom.  On the app there is a “community” tab where other users communicate, and they share their triumphs as well as their struggles.  I don’t participate but I do read some of the comments.  Reading the comments really puts my journey into perspective.  Many of the users are really struggling and being able to celebrate 7 months sober is a huge accomplishment.  I applaud them.  For me, each day is just another non-drinking day.  Alcohol was never something I “needed”.  Just something I wanted and during the pandemic it became a bad habit that could have potentially turned into full blown alcoholism.  Thank God that is not my story, but I will continue to pray for those whose story it is.



Newy said...
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Newy said...

Keep pushing. I take it as a reminder that someone always has it worse than you. We need to be grateful for all the steps, no matter how small.