Friday, March 27, 2009

Next Steps

So I've been going to the gym consistently for the past four weeks. Thirty minutes of cardio and thirty minutes of weight training.

The result?

No weight loss and no inches lost.

Maybe I'm just not working hard enough. I'm not too terribly upset because it's not like I'm overweight (5'7", 143 lbs, 30.5 inch waist). I just want to look good in a bathing suit this summer. Did I tell you that I'm renting a house at the beach for a week? Well, I am and I am not trying to be all covered up. Know what I mean?

Anyway I'm going to amp up my cardio time from 30 minutes to 40 minutes and I found the following plan on MSN:

Start out with the treadmill setting on 3
at 3:00 push it up to 3.5
at 6:00 push it up to 4
at 13:00 push it up to 4.2
at 15:00 go down to 3.5
at 18:00 push it up to 4
at 25:00 push it up to 4.2
at 27:00 go down to 3.5
at 37:00 go down to 3
then finish at 40 minutes

Total calories burned 200, and supposedly I'll lose up to 2 inches off my waist (which is the goal) in just a month if I do this six times a week. I'm also taking the stairs at work instead of riding the elevator the four flights. I'm paying closer attention to what I eat which is a straight pain in the neck. You know it's girl scout cookie season, right? Usually, I buy about 10 boxes and give the kids four boxes and I leave six boxes at my office. This year, I bought six boxes and gave the kids four and left two at the office. I still haven't opened them. **sigh**

Whatever, if Va.ler.rie Ber.tin.elli can put her 48-year old body into a bikini so can I.


lyre said...

sounds good I'm gonna try it! I'm off this next week starting today so now is as good a time as any!

TJ said...

I saw that cover a couple of days ago. I thought it was so inspiring!

Remnants of U said...

I really ha e to find a program that works for me. I think working toward a bikini ready body is a good idea.

Bunny Brown said...

Get it Chele! Hey whatever works for you, do it! Now bout them unopened gs cookies LOL!!!

ShellyP said...

I only *wish* I could be so disciplined in making it to the gym. Getting there consistently is half the battle.

Maybe you should track your BMI too, cause maybe you were losing fat but gaining muscle so it was all balancing out?

Regardless, kudos to you (for the discipline and the unopened gs cookies)!

CareyCarey said...

** Man on the floor **

Let me tell you what a real man looks at's not the inches on your waist's the food on his plate. The key is getting a fat man or one that likes to eat and then you can make HIM fat.

Thanks for stopping by, Chele.

Give me a holler if you need anymore great tips *lol*

ShellyShell said...

Hey Chele,
Try buying the ball and do some crunches and butt lifts.Lefts will help your booty and quads! At the gym do some strength training. Muscle will help burn fat...toner quicker!