Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Wish List

I don't want much. Not really.

I have been trying to put a swing in my backyard for the past few years. What's stopping me? I'm lazy. I am getting this swing before the end of the month.

I have got to go get this camera before I leave for vacation next month. I am not taking a disposable camera to the beach. I know I'm probably the last person on the planet to buy a digital camera. What's stopping me? I told you ... I'm lazy!

I just wish I had a personal shopper. You know, someone who enjoys looking for bargains and comparing features and all that jazz. Someone who just loves the thrill of parking, standing in lines and dealing with salespeople. Unfortunately, that is so not me and I just don't warrant having someone to do it for me. So, over the next few weeks I will be out there with the rest of you shoppers getting the little things I need in order put a smile on my face and bring me into the 21st century.

Wish me luck.


Blu Jewel said...

I want a frame gazebo and hope to get one this summer, so I feel you on that. I think I want a swing too.

I hate to shop, but love bargins. I've been fortunate that the times I do go "shopping" I find good deals. If you need someone to find shoes for you, I've got you; I'll shoe shop anytime. *smile*

love to live; live to love!

PS. Stop by, I'd like your input on my latest post. I'm sure you can come up with something good.

Bunny Brown said...

Good luck Chele!!

Rose said...

I get it. Sounds like me and shopping. If it is not a purse or shoes, I'm not interested.