Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Plateau Effect - Legs

I've been working out consistently since the end of February. It took a little time but I finally found a workout routine that works for me. I started out concentrating on cardio only and slowly but surely I've successfully added strength training to the mix. I work my upper body twice a week. I exercise my biceps, triceps, back and chest. I also do several abdominal exercises. I've been varying my routine to get the maximum effect and so I won't get bored. Sometimes I use the weight machines and other times I use free weights. For abs, sometimes I do crunches on the exercise ball, hanging knee raises or crunches with a medicine ball on an incline bench and planks. Additionally, I do cardio five times a week. The results have been pretty good.

One thing I noticed, however, is that I don't vary my leg exercies as much and I don't see any significant difference in my legs from when I started working out. I work my lower body twice a week and I generally do the leg press, leg extensions and leg curls. What else is there?

Well, I've done some research and apparently there are a ton of other things I could be doing to tone and strengthen my legs and tighten my butt. I've decided to add squats:


and calf raises to the repetoire:

When I first started working out I had a trainer for a week. He had me doing calf raises on a machine and I literally, could not walk for a week! I've shied away from that machine ever since. I think I should be pretty safe with these though.

The goal is great legs by the end of the summer.


TJ said...

These are great exercises!

LadyLee said...

You can do it, Chele!!

Rose said...

Yeah go for it. Hopefully one day I will too.