Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My Dream Job

I went to sleep last night thinking about my dream job.

I woke naturally this morning at 4:45. I can’t remember the last time that happened but I wasn’t going to fight it. I hopped out of bed and did push-ups. I could only do 16 but they were push-ups nonetheless. I remember the days when I couldn’t do 5, so I was quite pleased. I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, drank a protein shake, ate a slice of whole grain bread with peanut butter and headed to the gym. This morning I worked my chest, back, biceps, triceps and abs and did twenty-five minutes on the treadmill. I did most of the strength training with free weights instead of the machines and as I look down at my hands now, I see that I’m going to need some gloves because I can feel the calluses beginning to form.

After the workout, I went home and showered and got ready for work. I was sitting at my desk by 7:30. Still thinking about my dream job.

No Reservations is a program on the Travel Channel and it features Anthony Bourdain. Anthony is a 28-year veteran of professional kitchens and a very talented writer. He is a smart ass, which is probably why I enjoy him so much. He travels to beautiful places, eats great food and writes about it. That is my dream job. Last night he was in Saudi Arabia and ate camel. He actually liked it. In another episode he went to Egypt and enjoyed pigeon. Apparently, pigeon is a delicacy that Americans have not caught on to yet. He has also gone to Chicago and enjoyed a meal in a car outside of Calumet Fisheries. It’s not all weird, it’s not all fancy, it's certainly not all glamorous but it is all very interesting and quite entertaining. I love it.

Now, it is not my dream to eat a pigeon. It is, however my dream to have someone pay me ridiculous amounts of money to do something that I am currently doing for free and loving it: eating great food and writing about it.

This is the fetus. It will definitely take more than nine months to birth this baby but this is what I’m working on. I created the cover and inside the binder are the fourteen published restaurant and wine reviews that I’ve completed so far. This keeps me motivated. I did the same thing when I was writing Raymond’s Daughters. I created a book cover and just imagined a finished product. Oh yeah, and I worked my butt off until it was completed. I still don’t have a marketing strategy because I suck at that … but I know it will all come together. So for right now, I’m just working on the writing. I think I can handle that.


TJ said...

I heart Anthony Bourdain. He doesn't hold anything back. LOL.

Diva (in Demand) said...

GO CHELE GO! I've been waiting on your date night book so I can try all those great places you eat at.

LadyLee said...

I love Anthony Bourdain. He is a smart ass for real, with that earring in his ear, smoking on his cigarettes. LOL... I haven't watched that show in a few years. Didn't know it was still on...

"This is the fetus."

Oh, that is such a strong statement. My eye twitched behind that one. I wrote that on a notecard and placed it on the bathroom mirror.

We ALL need a fetus. I'ma get mine together soon. Thanks for that.

Here's to the growth of that fetus and the birth of your dream.

TJ said...

I can't wait to read your book either. I just got sidetracked by Anthony Bourdain. LOL

LB said...

I am inspired!

Anonymous said...

And you were thinking where your next book was not too long ago. Silly! ;)