Sunday, January 2, 2011

Answered Prayers

Yesterday’s sermon has been weighing heavily on my mind. The Pastor spoke to us about being the change that someone is looking for. In other words, being the answer to someone else’s prayer.

It’s one thing to pray for someone. I mean, if you lose your job and you ask me to pray for you, I certainly will. But how much more effective would it be to take your resume and submit it to my HR Department? How helpful would it be to offer to bring you dinner a couple of nights a week? Or to watch your children for you so you can escape the stress? Or to buy you a suit for your next interview?

Don’t underestimate the power of prayer. But if you can actually do something to answer someone’s prayer, isn’t that powerful too?

Think about this: If a brother or sister is poorly clad and lacks food for each day, and one of you says to him, “Good bye! Keep yourself warm and well fed.” without giving him the necessities for the body, what good does that do? (James 2:15, 16)

Have you ever imagined being the answer to someone’s prayer?

On another note, I think I am part of someone’s New Year’s resolution. Someone who I haven’t been in touch with for years and years, contacted me through FB and said that they plan to do better at keeping in touch. Interesting.


Shell said...

Such a good point. I believe in the power of prayer...but if I can actually DO something, I need to think about that.

cassandra crane said...

Wow! That was a powerful message. As soon I read it, I immediately started thinking how I can be of help to someone, especially those who have asked me to pray for them. Prayer is powerful, Having faith in those prayers is even more powerful, but adding actions to that faith is the key. For without that, faith is dead.

I love this post. Thank you. Happy New Year!

LadyLee said...

Good point. And it stands at the center of a sentence in my vision statement: "I am an asset to my friends"... I hope to someday be a asset to anyone who needs legitimate help. I truly do.

Anonymous said...

Who was your FB friend?