Friday, March 25, 2011

Where Has the Time Gone?

Is it Friday already?

Want to speed up the time? Set a goal.

Life is funny. When we were kids and waiting for Christmas or our birthdays the days just seemed to drag on.

I swear, when I have something that I’m working on, it seems like the days just whiz by. All I can think about is: will I be prepared for that race? By the way, thanks to everyone for all your encouragement and support. I think about you guys cheering me on when I’m on that track.

Anyway, what’s up for the weekend?

I’m running, and researching “protective hair styles”. I’ll probably debut one this weekend on The Next Chapter.

Speaking of …

Don’t forget to tune in on Sunday and why not subscribe? It’s free and you’ll be notified every time there’s a new episode.


Ca88andra said...

Time does fly by doesn't it! Hope you have a good weekend.

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

You know I love ya! Thanks for visiting on my SITS day!