Friday, June 24, 2011

It's the Weekend Again!

It has finally happened. I am finally experiencing that “feeling” that runners talk about. You know, that happy, high feeling. I love it. Especially because it lasts almost all day. Without the slightest hangover. I did not run yesterday and I actually felt myself slipping into a weird place in the late afternoon. Not good. Got up this morning and did my two miles and now I can’t even remember why I was feeling sad yesterday. Well, I remember, but I don’t understand why I let something so trivial affect me.

Anyway, the weekend is here and it couldn’t have come a moment too soon. It’s going to be one of those weekends where almost every second is filled. I haven’t had one of those in a while so I suppose I was due.

Tonight I’ll be at the Art's Cafe to hear some jazz performed by the Relationship Jazz Ensemble featuring Jeremy Perigo. Really looking forward to this as I haven’t been really out in ages.

On Saturday I’ll be having dinner at Tautog’s in Virginia Beach. The last time I went out for seafood, it totally sucked. I should have known better. Hopefully, this place will be much better. I’ve read nothing but good reviews and I’ll be adding my review next week.

And speaking of restaurant reviews, I was contacted by Restauranteers because they want to feature my food blog on their site and list me as a top blogger. That’s pretty cool. I always appreciate an opportunity have someone else read what I have to say.

On Sunday I’m planning a long run. “Long” meaning at least 3 miles. I haven’t run that distance since the 5k on the 4th. I’ve been hovering at about 2 miles. I have to make sure that my mind and body are right for the next 5k on the 4th of July which is just … 10 days away! Yikes!

After my run, it’s going to be ALL about me: hair, nails, reading, writing, roasting a chicken, sipping on a nice wine and waiting for the season premiere of my favorite show: TrueBLOOD. If you haven’t seen the show, you really should give it a shot. I love it.

I mentioned above that I’ll be doing some writing. I started a manuscript a few years back (tentatively titled: Going Home) and then I became blocked. I picked it up again recently and printed out my 127 pages and began reading and editing it. I really like the story and I’m feeling inspired to complete it. Yay! There just may be another book in me. Who knew? By the way, I’ve started doing book reviews on The Next Chapter. I just reviewed Medium Raw by Anthony Bourdain. Good pick, check it out.

The weekend is going to be jam packed. I think I also have to find some time to get a movie in. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your weekend.

One thing I discovered this week: I spend too much time thinking about what I want and not enough time rejoicing about all the things that I already have. And I have quite a bit.

Love you guys and thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Diva (in Demand) said...

Now I'm sitting here trying to think of where to get some seafood from. LOL

I think I have something to say about that last comment too but I don't know how to say it.