Monday, June 27, 2011

Are You Content?

I have lived under the impression that the only way to be truly content is to always be reaching for the next big thing. I find myself often asking, “what’s next?”

I have recently discovered that always reaching, always striving does not make me content at all. It makes me frustrated. It makes me anxious. It makes me unhappy.

I am learning to be content with my life exactly the way it is. I am content being single. I am content with my employment situation. I am content with my kids in the house. I am content in my spirit.

That does not mean that I don’t want more.

What it means is that I can accept that things will change when they change. God’s ways are higher than my ways and God’s thoughts are higher than my thoughts. His timing is perfect.

And while I’m waiting I will be content.

Walking around frustrated because I can’t have “it” now is putting lines on my face.

It’s just not worth it.

Walking around trying to figure out how I can manipulate different situations so they turn out for my good is foolish and exhausting.

I’m exhaling.

I am content.

Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content. (1 Timothy 6:6-8)


LadyLee said...

I have my portion... that is the way I am looking at things. I have my lane to drive in life, and I want to stay busy navigating that lane, and not looking at others in their lane, wishing for what they have.

I am content. With a streak of complacency. And working on my consistency. Intent on extinguishing selfishness in my life. Motivated to increase in the knowledge of God and hearing his voice... and following His lead.

That is my contentment. As you say, "I am content in my spirit... That does not mean that I don't want more."

I want more, too. So I can be more. So I can give more. So I can love more. And be more.

I think our problem, just looking around is a "What about me?" attitude, i.e., "I don't like my portion" complex. It cheapens. Cheapens all the trials and tribulations I've overcome to make me a better me. Never gonna do that. I'm gonna be content and thankful on purpose.

Great post. Made me THINK, Oldgirl.

Jennifer said...

Thank you for writing this:

"I have recently discovered that always reaching, always striving does not make me content at all. It makes me frustrated. It makes me anxious. It makes me unhappy."

You put my thought into tangible words, certain ppl in my life wonder why I am not as pressed about the same things they are... but I AM NOT THEM! Your words will help me stand my ground in love. Thanks

TJ said...

You know, it sounds so simple. Be content, but I know it is a lot of work for me.