1. Silk Elements Deep Conditioner: I deep condition my hair once a week with a plastic cap under the dryer for 20 minutes. Some protein based products give me a fit, but not this one. My hair feels strong and I don't experience any breakage.

3. Flexirods: I'm in the middle of a relaxer stretch and I workout at least 6 times a week, so I've had to sacrifice cute hairstyles. Usually during the week, I'll put my hair in a bun but on the weekends after a shampoo I'll air dry and then roll it up with flexirods. They produce a really soft, bouncy curl that reminds me that I am still cute.

4. MAC Fix +: I bought this stuff ages ago and had no idea what it was for. Why did I buy it? Because those girls at the MAC counter are great at their jobs. Anyway, I finally figured it out ... I use the MAC Studio Fix powder foundation but sometimes the look seems too matte and at the end of the day my face looks dull. Now, I just apply a few sprays of the Fix + and my complexion is all dewy and pretty. I love it!
5. Diorshow Mascara: This is the best mascara that I have ever used. Ever! My lashes appear so much longer and with no clumping. I love this stuff.
What are some of your favorite beauty products?
Bare Escentuals is at the top of my list! I love that powder foundation. I recently discovered Make Up Forever lipstick and gloss and it's my new favorite. As far as my hair is concerned I'm pretty much addicted to the One n Only Argan curl creme I blogged about a couple of weeks ago. I can only use flexi rods for a 30 minute curl. Do you use any product on your hair to keep the curls?
@Diva: I use Elasta QP moisturizer and the ORS glosser. The curls are loose but they stay all day.
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