Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Much Needed Rest

I woke up this morning physically and mentally exhausted.  Yesterday was a tough one.  A lot of activity and not much time to rest.  I woke up at 5:00 and left the house by 7:00 in order to prepare for the fitness class I was teaching at the wellness center.  It was a Butt and Gut (lower body) exercise class.  I was subbing for one of the other instructors.  I was thrilled for the opportunity to finally do something other than monitor the patrons as they worked out.  Five people were in the class and I believe I sufficiently wore them out.  After that, I worked out myself for about an hour and then I went home to change clothes and eat before I had to head back to work early for a staff meeting.  The meeting began at noon and then I had to work until 6:00.  Right after work I had a life group meeting to attend and I returned back home after 9:00 pm.

It was a full day.  So, being the true introvert that I am, I needed a full day to be alone and rest and decompress.  My day consisted of a little cardio, shampooing my hair, crocheting a few hats and snuggling with my cat.  I was supposed to go to a networking meeting tonight but I opted out.  I like the fact that I am allowing myself the ability to say ‘no’ to certain things when I want to.  I am so over making excuses for not wanting to do something.  I am slowly reaching the point where I can just say ‘no’ and not feel obligated to give a reason why.  I want to do more of that.

Last weekend was the start of an 8-week fitness class that I’m teaching.  I may have mentioned it before.  It started out as me being the backup trainer for this class but now I’m the only trainer.  I signed on with this media company and they do free events for the community and this is one of them.  I don’t get paid and that’s okay because it is an opportunity to have my name, image and bio splashed all over social media and I don’t have to pay a dime for that kind of advertising.  I’m not sure what kind of reach this company has but I guess I’ll soon find out.  Anyway, last week’s class was also a lower body workout and this week’s class will be core and cardio.  I haven’t decided on the remaining classes yet – like I said, I was supposed to be the backup trainer.   It’s a long story how things changed but suffice it to say he’s out and I’m in.

I signed my first personal training client through the fitness and wellness center.  I’m looking forward to working with her.  The sessions at the center are 45 minutes long and it allows me to work one-on-one with patrons.  It only took a month after being hired to teach a class and get a client.  Not bad.

I’m committed to re-reading 4 books during the month of April:



As well completing a 30-day prayer challenge

I was thinking the other day about how much I love the August month of prayer at my church and how I always get so much out of a month of purposeful, intentional prayer.  Then I thought, I don’t have to wait until August – why not do a month of prayer on your own?  This is so important right now.  I can sense that major changes are about to take place in my life and I really need to hear from God about these changes.  I need to know the right moves to make, the right way to prepare and those answers can only come from God.  I really need to hear from Him so I’m pressing in.  Way in.

If you have a YouVersion account and you’d like to join me, just send me a friend request.  By the way, if you are a person who knows the word of God, please remember me in your prayers.

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