Monday, May 2, 2016

Revelations from the 30-Day Prayer Challenge

Each year my church designates August as the month of prayer.  I always get so much out of it and I find myself longing for August to hurry up and get here.  Then the Holy Spirit reminded me that I can have a month of prayer whenever I want.  So I did it in April.

I found a 30-day prayer challenge on YouVersion and each morning I had an appointment with God.  Before I even left my bed, I reached for my tablet and read the daily devotional, the associated scriptures and then it was prayer time.  My time to talk to God and his time to talk to me.  Each day I recorded my response to the devotionals in my journal and on my PUSH Facebook page.

It seems the month went by too quickly.    God opened my eyes to some many things during those 30 days.  Here are the highlights:

      ·         Prayer is not only giving God a laundry list of things to bless us with.  It’s an opportunity to really hear from Him.  When I prayed, God gently guided me toward the answers.  I expected answers and listened and waited for them and they came.

      ·         Starting my day in prayer gave me the ammunition I needed to face anything.  Every single day wasn’t perfect but even on the challenging days I was prepared and I always learned something.

      ·         God opened a door for me so I could teach an 8-week fitness class for the community.  Initially, I was slotted to be the backup trainer.  God allowed me to be the one and only trainer.

      ·         Vulnerability is not a bad thing.  Through my weaknesses God is able to show himself strong and that gives me an even stronger testimony

      ·         Ask God for what you want.  He will answer.

      ·         God doesn’t do things half way.  He doesn’t start something without a plan to finish it.

      ·         I had a particularly challenging day this month, I didn’t journal about the specifics only about the lesson:  I need to learn to give people grace as God has given me grace.  I’m grateful for that lesson and I honestly cannot remember what was so challenging on that day.  I believe that is exactly how God wants it.

      ·         Financial blessings come in all different forms.  Sometimes it’s actual money, sometimes it’s a plan to lower monthly expenses (cancelling cable) or a plan to increase monthly income (picking up a second job) – either way, I’m blessed!

      ·         Whenever I’m facing fear or doubt I need to look it straight in the eye and declare, “God said ….” and boldly declare His word.

      ·         I am always praying for peace, security and finances but my one true desire is to get closer to God.  By meeting Him every morning I can feel that bond growing. With that closeness comes the blessings of peace, security and finances.  The word of God is true when it says to seek FIRST the kingdom of God and everything else will be added.

April has ended however my sacred time with God has not.  

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