Monday, July 12, 2021

Day 3

 Well, look who decided to post a blog after two years.

Why am I here?  I'm here because I have (once again) started a new journey and I want to document it.  I could do it in my journal but I'd rather type than write.  

I'd like to call it a sobriety journey but the term "sober" somehow implies that I have a problem -- that I'm an alcoholic.  I don't believe I am and I don't think I have a problem but I do feel as though if I don't do something now it could lead to having a problem.

What am I saying?  I'm saying that I have stopped drinking.

I don't think I ever thought that I would get to this place.  I am a wine drinker and over the years have become somewhat of a connoisseur.  I can tell the difference between a pinot grigio and a sauvignon blanc and a Riesling.  I know I'm not particularly fond of chardonnay or cabernet but will always love a good pinot noir or syrah.  I love wine tastings and a good wine with a good meal and good company.

At least I did.

Something has changed and I don't enjoy the experience of wine as much as I used to.  In fact, it has become more of a mindless habit, like brushing my teeth, rather than an experience.  There was a time when I would never -- could never -- have more than two glasses at a sitting.  Now, it is nothing to drink a bottle at a time all by myself.

That's another thing -- I drink alone.  All the time.  Since the pandemic and my break up I very rarely socialize but that doesn't stop me from buying and drinking a bottle of wine on a random Tuesday.

I've been asking myself for quite a while now, if I thought I had a problem.  If I thought I needed to cut back.  I would put these rules in place for myself like, I would only drink on the weekends.  The problem is, for most people the weekend is two days.  For me, the "weekend" started on Thursday night and if I still had an open bottle on Sunday would end on Monday night.  That's five days.  Plus, on Saturday and Sunday -- I would start drinking at noon.

To me, that's a problem. It's a problem for me.

My drinking does not interfere with my ability to function.  I go to work, I go to church, I see my family when I can.  I don't drink and drive.  I'm still functioning.  However, that brings me back to my daughter's middle school English teacher who was also "functioning" -- she had to be removed from the school premises because she was drunk.  She had a bottle in her desk drawer.  

Functioning is no longer good enough.  Two weeks ago I missed a workout on a Wednesday because I was hung over.  That may not seem like a lot, but for me it is.  I never miss a workout!  Ever.  And if it can happen once it can happen again.  See, I'm the person who suspects an issue and nips it in the bud.  It may be considered obsessive but I don't care.  I stopped eating meat because the size of a turkey wing freaked me out.  Instead of giving up turkey wings, I gave up all "food with a face".   I lost 15lbs in 3 months because I busted through the seam in a pair of jeans.  Instead of buying new jeans, I lost the weight.  I'm not the person who will let things get to the point where I'm too far gone to fight my way back.

I drink too much.  Period.  I no longer enjoy it.  I fee like my senses are dulled and I want to be able to fire on all cylinders so to speak.  I can't help but wonder if there are things I'm supposed to be doing but haven't because the alcohol has fogged my brain to the point where I have no creativity left.

I don't know about that but what I do know is that today is Day 3 of my sober journey.  I do not have an end date but I'm also not going to say that I'm quitting for good.  I don't know what the future holds.  It took me 10 months of not eating meat to finally declare that I am a vegetarian.  I know that for right now, I don't want to drink.  I am a non-drinker today.  Taking it one day at a time is not just a cliché and I totally understand the meaning.  I'm not drinking today.

In order to help with this journey, I got rid of my little wine case that I kept in the kitchen and put away my corkscrews.  I took the Total Wine app off my phone.  In the evening, I have a cup of tea in place of the nightly glass of wine.  I have a few books that I have purchased about other women's journeys to sobriety.  Surprisingly, their stories are similar to mine.  There is no tragic "rock bottom" moment just the realization that yeah, I drink too much.

It's Day 3.


1 comment:

Newy said...

IT's funny you posted after 2 years for journaling purposes. I am doing the is my day 15...yours was drinking, mine was the casino...I could lose myself in the bright lights and ringing of the machines...there are no windows, no concept of what is going on outside of those walls...yeah...I gamble too much.