Thursday, April 30, 2009


This morning I bought two things that I have never purchased before: fat free sour cream and a Shape Magazine.

I will be totally honest and say that this whole "going to the gym" thing was initially all about being able to look good in a two-piece this summer. I only bought a 3-month membership after all. Does that sound like someone who is serious about her health? But now, after two good months and a couple of visits to the doctor it has turned into something else entirely.

I have never had a weight problem and I have always been perfectly healthy. With the the exception of the anemia I have never had any health issues. Blood pressure is good. Cholesterol is beautiful. I sleep well at night. Well, now there's something going on that can't be explained and we're in the process of trying to identify it with x-rays and mini-scopes to reach the hard-to-reach places. I'm not overly concerned but it has gotten me to think. I am going to be 45 years old in six months, kids. My body has changed. I can't do all the things I used to be able to do. I have to take an active part in my health and well being. I have never done that before. I go to the doctor and the optometrist every year. I go to the dentist every six months. I don't neglect myself but I don't do anything extra either. That is until now.

Getting off my butt these past two months has made a significant change in how I feel about myself. I want to stick around for at least another 45 years. I realize now that potato chips and Lifetime on a Sunday afternoon will do nothing to help me reach that goal. I have good genes (thanks Mom!) but that's not enough.

So, I'll be extending that membership. I'll be paying closer attention to the things that I put into my body. I'm going to stay active. I'm going to take better care of myself. I'm going to live.

Oh, and I'm going to have those abs!


TJ said...

I bought a Shape the last time I started working out again. It's something how going to a doctor (or two) changes one's outlook. :)

Blu Jewel said...

I'm getting back into my hour a day 5 days a week and I'm back up to 40 pushups a day...need to get back to 50 and then higher. You'll get the body you want because you're determined.

love to live;live to love!

Diva (in Demand) said...

You know I don't like you right? Just making sure we're clear. hmph

Rose said...

Wow Chele you are inspiring. Here's to you and good health.

Bunny Brown said...

Gone head Chele!!! Those abs look effin' fab!!!

Remnants of U said...

Wow, Chele! You are doing what I have been putting off...I am already 45yrs 5months...Yeah way past the stating the number of months stage.LOL! You are inspiring, but I need a fire under my feet.