Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday's Randomness

I am trying really hard to help my Princess rebuild the trust between us. I’m slowly allowing her out of my sight again but she just doesn’t seem to get it. She’s back at square one.

The Prince needs a new job.

I woke up mad everyday this week. Guess I should have been glad I woke up at all.

I need to get back to the beach.

I’m sick of being treated like a friggin’ ATM. I guarantee it will NOT happen again. Lose my number.

I’m getting involved

I’m trying to decide on which restaurant to go to next. I love going to restaurants. I love writing about going to restaurants.

We learned a new song on Wednesday. The lyrics are beautiful

I read a post about empathy this week and I wish I could be more like that.

Today is not a good hair day.

Physically, I feel great and I can’t wait to get back to the gym.

I think I have finally figured out But I still don’t understand who has the time to update hourly.

Mrs. O’s hairdo is not news.

An athlete leaving some chick at the alter is also not news.

I heart Char.les Gib.son. He always tells me that he hopes I had a good day and that makes me smile.

I can’t believe some of the things that I put up with. Sometimes I wonder what the heck happened to me.

I just want to relax this weekend.


Bananas said...

This weekend you really need to find some “down time”. Then get back in the groove. Ain’t nothin’ but a thing.

LadyLee said...

I do understand about the beach. It felt good to wiggle my toes in warm salty water a few times last week. It does a lot for the mind and soul, it does.

I think we all have a little empathy. Mine suprises me. I bet you have it too...

Have a good weekend. Even if it's just an hour of time off to yourself. Enjoy it...

Serenity3-0 said...

There are a lot of things on the news that aren't news. But I guess we don't decide. Hope you feel better and wake up tomorrow happy.

Anonymous said...

"Consume me from the inside out Lord"

The premise of "inside out Lord" is from the heart of worship.

I'm there, and having a time of praise while it plays.

Lord, ignite the fire in us all!

"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!" 1 John 3:1

A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

i need to get to the beach my damn self.