Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer Days

Okay ... it is now 11:21 am. I am not feeling well today so I'm working from home. I have been up working since before 7:00 a.m. I've sent 13 emails, completed and submitted a report, sat in on two conference calls and sent out two requests to clients.

Neither one of my children is out of bed.

Must be nice.


Blu Jewel said...

You would have done well in the Army...remember the old saying, "we do more before 9:00am, than some people do all day".

I took today off and didn't get out the bed til 10am...it was wonderful.

LadyLee said...

Now THAT'S funny... The kids are getting that GOOD sleep! My brother taught me that when you are off, you shouldn't get out of the bed before 2:00 pm, lol.