Monday, July 13, 2009

Good Decisions

Happy Monday. Is that an oxymoron?

I remember hearing once that every decision that I’ve made over the years has led me to where I am right now. So, obviously it makes sense that every decision I make today will determine my situation in the future. If you have a goal it is important that every thing you do and every decision that you make is for the purpose of reaching that goal. To that end, I had a pretty productive weekend. I was able to enjoy a delicious lunch on the water and interview a restaurant manager for an upcoming review. I completed one of two reviews that are due this week. I visited another restaurant that I had previously reviewed and the management let me know that they were very pleased with the article I had written. The weekend felt like one big networking event. And I hate “networking” but I had a great time. Yesterday, I watched the majority of the No Reservations marathon. I know to some people that just sounds like typical couch potato behavior, but it was actually research.

I’ll be posting another review at Delicious! on Wednesday so I’m asking all you local lurkers (and I know you’re out there) to check it out and everyone please go over there and participate in the one-question survey on the right side of the page.

Have a great day and don’t forget to make your decisions count!


LadyLee said...

Now THAT'S what I call a great and productive weekend!

Good for you! And I will be sure to check out the review.

Serenity3-0 said...

I'll be sure to check it out.

CareyCarey said...

Am kinda digging that "No Reservations" thing. I mean, when I sit on my couch I have no reservations why I am there. Yep, to act like a fat greasy potatoe - with butter. I get up from my slumber and wipe the drool from my mouth. I stagger to bed - mission completed with no reservations :-).

I've never been to that other site, I might check it out.