Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 12

We are back from the beach and I have officially bid Summer 2009 a fond farewell. It was a great summer. This weekend was the best though. My sweetie and I had a great time reconnecting, decompressing and all the other -ings that couples take advantage of when they finally have a chance to spend some time together. It's funny, when we were packing up this morning he said, "What did we get from all this?" Before I could answer he said, "Well, we still love each other."

Yeah. We definitely still love each other. We had some of the best conversations that we've ever had and we were able to clear up a few things that we both were confused about. I'm so very grateful for that.

This morning I continued reading Matthew and the recurring theme of bearing fruit showed up again in 12:33. Also in the 13th chapter when Jesus told the parable of the four soils. For most of my adult life, I have to admit that I was the type of soil that had stony places: I would receive God's word but it wouldn't take root so when hard times would come it didn't last. I am moving toward being the soil that represents good ground which takes the word, understands and bears fruit (13:23). This is important to me. For so long I have lived in my own little bubble. I was all about me and mine and nothing or no one else. If it didn't directly affect me than I could care less about it. I'm ashamed of that way of thinking and I can't change overnight but I want to change. I have to.

I hope your weekend was as lovely as mine.

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