Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 7

Today's reading came from the first four chapters of the gospel of St. Matthew. I like the gospels but Luke is my favorite. Anyway, the thing that stood out for me was verse 3:10 where it says that every tree that does not produce fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire.

Then I ask myself: Am I bearing fruit?

For me, this goes along with what I said last week about working and being productive. I want to add value to every situation that I am in, otherwise, why bother?

Today I was informed of the passing of one of my co-workers. It was quite a shock because this young man was only twenty-three years old and died after running a half-marathon over the weekend. This kid was in really good shape and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around what has happened. This is two people that I knew in as many weeks and my heart hurts just thinking about it.

Today was the Princess' first day of school. She was nervous and I'm not sure why since it's her second year in high school. She just said that the first day makes her nervous. She looked so pretty today. Where does the time go?

1 comment:

LadyLee said...

I'm always thinking about that fruit question. Am I productive? Am I good to people? It's one of those assesment questions that will drive me crazy if I let it. Tie that in with how you know a person by his or her fruit. That tells me more right there.

Sorry to hear about your coworker. He left so young. Goodness. All of this makes one pause, and think, that's for sure. Sigh.