Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 38

There are rewards for obedience:

God will lavish you with good things: children from your womb, offspring from your animals, and crops from your land, the land that God promised your ancestors that he would give you. God will throw open the doors of his sky vaults and pour rain on your land on schedule and bless the work you take in hand. You will lend to many nations but you yourself won't have to take out a loan. God will make you the head, not the tail; you'll always be the top dog, never the bottom dog, as you obediently listen to and diligently keep the commands of God, your God, that I am commanding you today. Don't swerve an inch to the right or left from the words that I command you today by going off following and worshiping other gods. Deuteronomy 28:11-14 – The Message

It’s a beautiful day. We should see 87 degrees before it’s all said and done. What a beautiful day.

I woke up around 5:30 this morning but instead of getting ready for work I got ready for the gym. I did 30 squats, 30 pushups and 30 sit-ups at the house and once my daughter was ready, I dropped her off at 7:00 and headed on over to the gym and did 30 minutes of cardio. I was back home before 8:00 and at my office before 9:00. You see, I have so much more going on lately that it was just getting more and more difficult to go to the gym after work. I tried to get up at 4:00 a.m. and push myself but that just wasn’t happening. So I’m changing my work schedule. Great solution. If I am going to accomplish everything that I have to accomplish I have to be healthy. I have to be strong.

On my way to work I stopped at the gas station and successfully filled my tank and spilled gas all over myself in the process. I rushed home, got cleaned up and still got to work before 9:00. A contractor was scheduled to be at my house this morning at 10:00. This guy showed up but he didn’t have the right equipment with him for the job. He apologized all over the place and asked if he could reschedule for Monday. **shrugs** These things happen. So, even with the gas spill (which was actually kind of funny) and the work delays … God is still good. It’s still a beautiful day. I am floating on air today.

Have a great weekend!