Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Virginia Beach, Baby!

What is up with Shape magazine?

I picked up the June issue because I really love the magazine. It has informative articles, awesome exercise tips and real success stories of people who have been able to get in shape and stay in shape. And supposedly, the cover models are not air-brushed.

In this month's issue there is an article entitled "Fit Town USA". It is a top 10 list of health-minded cities. They are called the Get Fit Shape-liest Cites. Catchy, huh?

I was so very excited as I was flipping the pages and running through the list and saw my town, Virginia Beach, as the #9 pick. How cool, is that? It says:

The region is tops in fruit and vegetable consumption--about 20 percent higher than the rest of the US--and locals are devoted to regular workouts. It also has a high percentage of city land devoted to parks, with 249 green spaces, including 14 miles of free beaches and more than 18,000 acres of state parks.

I love my city. I've been here for 18 years and it's a place that I enjoy calling "home". Being on the list of "fit" cities makes me want to be more fit. You know what I mean?

It was my intention to link the article from the online magazine. But to my surprise, instead of Virginia Beach, Austin, Texas is on the list. What the hell is that about??? I have nothing against Austin, I'm just wondering what the reasoning is behind the inconsistencies in the article.

Pick up the magazine. One of those Kardashian girls is on the cover and just in case you want to know what the other 9 fit cities are, here they are:

#10 Sacramento, CA
#9 Virginia Beach, VA
#8 Seattle, WA
#7 Hartford, CT
#6 San Francisco, CA
#5 Denver, CO
#4 Portland, OR
#3 Boston, MA
#2 Washington, DC
#1 Minneapolis, MN

1 comment:

TJ said...

I think it has something to do with the recent departure of the editor in chief. They appear to have taken a new direction. Progress. Sigh. Portland is number 4!!! Woot woot!!! LOLOL.