Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 16 - 31 Day Reset

Today’s assignment is to imagine your perfect day.

I can tell you what my perfect day would not include:
Alarm clocks
High heels
Fluorescent lights
Sitting for long periods of time

 My perfect day is on the weekend and the only decision I have to make is what kind of wine I want with dinner.

I sleep late on my perfect day.  When I do get up I take some time to enjoy the beautiful beachfront view from my bedroom. 

I say a quick prayer of gratitude.  After a big, healthy breakfast I change into my workout clothes and head to the gym and work out for an hour.  Afterward I take a shower and relax with a smoothie and a book out on the deck.  The sun is shining and I am overwhelmed at how blessed I am.  An hour or so later I decide to go for a run on the beach.  After another shower I head to the shopping center for some window shopping.  I meet up with the man in my life for a late lunch and easy conversation.  We make plans for dinner later and I decide that I want red wine so he offers to cook a big Italian dinner for us and I agree to bring the wine.  We dine by candlelight while jazz plays softly in the background.  We end the evening with a long walk on the beach.

1 comment:

TJ said...

Sounds really nice!