Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Book Signing

My first book signing of the year for PUSH is this weekend, January 9th

You can purchase a signed copy by clicking the button below ($15 plus shipping)

I re-read the book again this morning and as I was reading it I could feel the passion and the faith that I had as I wrote each word.  The book is a compilation of my actual journal entries from 2011-2014 as I was making my journey from corporate to entrepreneurship.  I am still on that journey but this chronicles the steps leading up to the point where I quit my full time job.

It's an opportunity for the reader to eavesdrop on my conversations with God.

I decided to make my journal entries public because I know that it was only through those conversations that I was able to take the step towards a happier, more fulfilling future.  It has not been easy.  It has been everything but easy but the Bible says that in this world we will have trouble, but we should not be afraid because God has already conquered the world.  

I may be struggling now but I will continue to pray until something happens - and then I'll keep on praying.

1 comment:

Moe said...

Yeah !!!!
I couldn't attend the book signing but I did purchase my copy. Can't wait to read it.
Have a great week.