Sunday, January 3, 2016

Regardless of the Circumstances

Happy New Year!

I hope that you have started 2016 in a positive state of mind.  I went to church on New Year’s Eve and when the clock struck midnight I could not stop the tears from falling because I was so happy that 2015 was over.  So happy that I made it through that challenging year in one piece – and with peace.

2016 is going to be the year of success.  Success in every aspect of my life.  I declare that thing right now.  You know, many times I have been asked to lead prayer and one of things that I have said in those public prayers is that “God, even if you never do another thing for us we are still grateful because you are still on the throne and you are still God!”

I meant it when I said it.  However, I will admit that it’s easy to say those words when everything is going well in your life.  When the stars are in alignment and you don’t want for anything prayers like that come easy.  But what about when you are in need.  You need God to move and you don’t see Him moving.

He is still God and He is still on the throne.

The Circumstances:
So, I developed a campaign in December to grow my email list and possibly get more clients.  The vehicle I used for this campaign was ads on Facebook.  The ad ran for about two weeks and here is how the numbers break down:

Spent:  over $200
Reached: 23,884 people
“Likes” on my Facebook Business page:  134
Number of people to join my email list: 297
Number of people who completed applications to work with me:  24
Number of people who scheduled a phone call to discuss details:  1

… and she just cancelled.

When I received the email that the one person who scheduled a call with me cancelled I immediately played this song:

Then I played this one:

Then finally this one:


Because regardless of my circumstances, I will glorify God’s name because He’s a good, good father and I know that everything that the enemy has taken from me is coming back to me – with interest.  I had my own private praise party right here in my dining room.

I refuse to live in fear any longer.  I will be strong and courageous because I know that God has my back.  I don’t care how it looks on paper – God has me.  I know that all things work together for good for those that love God and are called according to His purpose.  I know that God allowed the call to be cancelled because He has something else in mind and whatever He has in mind for me is much better than anything that I can see with my own eyes!

God’s got me.

The bible says that in this world we will have trouble but I don’t have to be afraid because God has overcome the world.  I don’t have to figure things out because God has already worked it out.   I'm not going to lose any sleep over this.  I'm going to continue to praise God because when I get on the other side of this ... my testimony is going to knock your socks right off!  

Have a great Sunday and an even better week!

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