Thursday, June 16, 2016

Happy Thursday People!

I’m posting because I need to.  I wish I could write more because I have to and not just wait for inspiration.  Sometimes there is no inspiration.  I suppose that’s the mark of a “true” writer.  Someone who writes because they have to – not just because they are in the mood.  I’ll get there one day.

Anyway on to today’s post:

I love Thursdays.  It is my favorite day of the week.  Probably because I only have to teach one class from 11:00-12:15 – so I can sleep late and then have the rest of the day to do whatever.  “Whatever” is usually shampooing my hair.  If you are a naturally curly girl, then you know what that means.  I get to relax on Thursday.  I have no stress on Thursday.  I love Thursday.

Each day I am falling more and more in love with my career choice.  Being able to help a person be healthier and stronger is the best.  I have several clients from all different walks of life with all different fitness levels but they all have one thing in common:  they want to be better. 

The classes that I teach at the Y are predominantly older or part of the “active aging” community.  After each class they applaud and smile and thank me.  At times, one or two will pull me to the side and let me know how much they appreciate me teaching the class.

The functional fitness class that I teach at the fitness center is a little different.  It used to be filled with people who wanted the toughest workout that I could dish out.  At the end of one class a girl was smiling from ear-to-ear and said that she almost threw up.  Okay …. Well, that session has ended and a new session is beginning next week with a whole new crop of people.  I’m not sure if they want their butts kicked or not so I’m going to kick them and make adjustments later if necessary.

Then there are the personal training clients.  They work really hard and each one of them is getting stronger with each session.  My virtual coaching clients are awesome as well.  Read a testimony from my latest one HERE.

I love what I do.  Even though I took a massive pay cut in order to do it I wouldn’t change it for the world.  I can always make money and I know that things won’t always be as tight as they are right now.  There is no greater joy than helping people be better versions of themselves.  I only spend a short amount of time with these people and it is my sincere hope that something I do or say will impact them in a positive way.

Update #1:  Okay, are you wondering what is going on with my son and my ex-husband?  They are communicating and will more than likely see each other in the flesh before 2016 ends.  I feel good about that and more importantly, my son feels good about it.

Update #2:  My daughter is going to graduate from college in December with $0 in student debt!  God is so good.  She had to put in an extra semester and we honestly weren’t sure how we were going to swing it financially.  We had planned for 4 years of college not 4 years + 1 semester.  Anyway, long story short – she was awarded 2 grants that cover her entire tuition with $$ to spare for books, etc.  Cha-ching!

Okay, I’m through deep conditioning so I suppose I’ll close for now.  Have a great weekend and enjoy these shots of my lovely cat Portia! 


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