Sunday, October 2, 2016

The First Date and Dear, Dear Brenda

Finally, the first date.  I cannot remember the last time I was on a first date.   Let me rephrase that: I can’t remember the last time I was on an enjoyable first date.  I may have gone on a date in 2011 or 2012 with a guy who turned out to be married.  He’s lucky I didn’t throw my water in his face.  Then I went on a date in 2013 with a “good on paper” guy.  It was awkward but I didn’t want to shut him down immediately so I went on a second date and it was just as awkward.  I went against my better judgement and agreed to a third – it was the last. 

I’m happy to say that this date was not in the least bit awkward.  It helps that we’ve been conversing regularly for more than a month.  It felt comfortable.  It felt good.

We met at a donut shop for coffee at 1:00 pm.  I thought it would be a good idea to just sit and talk for a while before we actually started the date.  There was a lot of grinning and sighs of relief.  Relieved that this was not a “catfish” situation.  Relieved that after all the conversation we still wanted to see each other.  I was especially relieved that after 5 minutes in his presence I knew that I wanted to stay there.

After coffee we went to an antique bookstore and I found this gem:

Why would I pick up Henry Miller’s love letters?  Well, when it comes to matters of the heart, I lean toward the logical side of the spectrum.  Repeated heartbreak will take the emotion out of love with the quickness.  Henry Miller’s letters to Brenda Venus are described as “fruit of that deep affair of the heart”.  I’m intrigued.  I’m actually hoping that his words will seep into my psyche and maybe, just maybe I’ll welcome some of the emotional to balance out the logical. 

After the bookstore we went for a drive and took in some sites before we settled on a spot for a late lunch.  The conversation continued.  We tried to keep it light but as we often do we traveled down some serious territory as well.  We have quite a bit in common but there may be one or two areas that we are diametrically opposed.  I call it balance and as a Libra I can appreciate balance

After the meal I needed to get back on the road and head home.  The date ended as it began:  with a hug.  The decision to see each other again was mutual.   We don’t have details for the second date yet so for the time being it will just be me, Henry and Brenda. 


Unityfalls said...

Glad things went well for both of you.

LadyLee said...

Glad it was a good date!

Patrice Brown said...

Just smiles here.