Saturday, October 21, 2017

Who Me?

I recently read an article which basically defined the traits of a person with an intimidating personality.  The traits are listed here:

You always say what’s on your mind

You are wise beyond your years

You see solutions where others see only problems

Your tolerance for ignorance is non-existent

You love new things

You cut to the chase

Let’s talk about the word “intimidating” for a moment. To intimidate means to make timid, to fill with fear, to force into or deter from some action by inducing fear.  All these definitions deal with the actions of the intimidator, however, I find that when that word has been used to describe me (I know right!!) it really has more to do with the other person’s perception and nothing at all to do with who I am or any action that I have taken.  I’m just out here living life and if someone is intimidated by the way I live my life doesn’t that say more about them then me?

I honestly believe that the traits that are listed in the article describe a confident person, not an intimidating person.  I can only really claim 3 of the 6 traits listed above.  Do you know which ones?

You always speak your mind – “Always”?  No, not always. I find that it some situations it’s best to keep quiet.  I don’t always have to be right.  My actions speak louder than my words.  I’m mature enough to know when to speak and when to be silent.

You are wise beyond your years – No I’m not.  I’m a late bloomer.  Wisdom is something that I am just now getting a handle on.

You see solutions where others see only problems – Sometimes.  I am the person who doesn’t want to dwell on the problem and I am usually open to collaborate with others to explore solutions.

Your tolerance for ignorance is non-existent – This is absolutely me.  I have no time for ignorance, lies or basic bullshit. My detector for such things is finely tuned and if I sense that you are coming at me with any of it I will shut it down. 

You love new things – I like new things but I’m not always creative enough to introduce something new into a situation.  However, if someone else comes up with an idea I’m up for it.

You cut to the chase – Yes darling. Miss me with the small talk.  Stop beating around the bush – just give it to me straight with no chaser. 

Do I think I am intimidating? No.  I am confident and sometimes a confident person can appear to be unapproachable – which, quite frankly I do not mind.  I love people but I don’t want everyone in the world to think that they have an open invitation to roll up on me.  I’m selective about who I let in because once you’re in, you’re in – until you’re not.  I value the few friendships that I have because I know that those people will always be there for me no matter what.  Those are the kinds of relationships that mean something to me.  I see no value in having countless numbers of “friends”.  But that’s just me.  I’m cordial.  I’m friendly. I’m respectful.  I’ll go out and have a drink or a meal with you.  But let’s be real … you probably ain’t getting invited to the house.


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