Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 22

Wordless Wednesday

All things are possible for those who believe - Mark 9:23


LadyLee said...

Glad you got your gift... You're 4 chaps in already? WOW!!!

I wanted to spell out your whole name across the top of that journal, but didn't have enough of the fancy smancy letters... But i like the cute M... that way, the babies know it belongs to YOU. lol

You're very "pregnant" right now. I was thinking, if that Oldgirl can read this book and find one good thing that will take her to the next level, then it's all good. It's a great book... Sometimes you need that one little lightbulb moment. this has a whole bunch of them...

It's all VERY good.

And you make sure to write it allllll down... and watch that thang happen.

TJ said...

Great thought for the day.